Top Interview Questions for a Safety Officer job

1. The purpose of a lock-out/tag-out procedure is to?

Ans: Secure harmful energy sources to prevent injury.

2.The very first thing you should do if you are the first to witness or discover an accident on the job site is to?

Ans: Activate the emergency response system.

3.The purpose of a cartridge-style respirator is to?

Ans: Reduce the concentration of particulates in the air you breathe.

4. A confined space is deemed ready for employee entry when?

Ans: A company safety inspector has certified it.

5.What is safety policy?

Ans: Any company has a social and legal obligation to provide a safe and health working environment to all his improvement to all his employees.

6. What is safety tag?

Ans: Safety tag can be defined a surface made of card board or paper board on which English local languages letters written for warning safety instructions to employees.

7.What is emergency planning?

Ans: Emergency planning can defined as a control measures. It can control the accidents safe guard people and provide information to media.

8. What is work at height?

Ans: Any work above 2 meters from ground is caused work at height.

9. What is JSA?

Ans: The procedure of analyzing job for the specific purpose of finding the hazards and developing.

10. What are the duties of a safety officer?

Ans: Prepare tool box talk Prepare monthly statistics Prepare the checklist Accident reports Management meetings Arrange the safety classes/training Arrange monthly safety bulletin Inspection of fire extinguisher Arrange first aid training classes Arrange safety competitions like quiz, slogan, poster competitions exhibition, etc.

11. What is the use of accident report?

Ans: To find out the root cause of accident makes recommendations to prevent re-occurrence and evaluate the effectiveness of emergency response

12. What is waste management?

Ans: Waste management means safely disposing the by-product of a process or a work to the environment after the proper treatment if necessary so that no threat for living properties and environment exists.

13. What is MSDS?

Ans: Materials safety data sheets is the documents prepared by the manufacturer giving product name producer address emergency contact phone number information of ingredients possible hazards first aid measures precaution to be taken for storage and handling recommended PPE extinguisher physical and chemical properties etc.

14. When is an excavation considered as a confined space?

Ans: If depth is more than 1.2m.

15. Who can erect scaffolding?

Ans: Certified scaffold.

16. Who can inspect the components used for erecting a scaffold?

Ans: A competent and certified scaffolding supervisor.

17. What is an Emergency Evacuation Plan?

Ans: It is the procedure to provide concise guidelines for evacuation in case of some emergencies and to identify the emergencies in advance. This also helps us to plan and to define roles and responsibilities of all building custodian, fire wardens and occupants.

18. What is Fire?

Ans: Chain reaction of FUEL, HEAT, OXYGEN.

19. What is a SCBA?

Ans: Self Contained Breathing Apparatus, use in confined spaces or where oxygen deficiency exists or where concentration of toxics gases is harmful to humans.

20. What is accident?

Ans: Accident is uncontrolled events that results in undesirable consequences to personnel injury, illness of the assets damage or loss or to the environment. An Undesirable event which causes harm to personal Damage to property.

21. What is near-miss?

Ans: A Potential hazards, which has not yet caused an accident or an occurrence that did not results in but have the potentials to results in undesirable consequences to personnel illness injury and or to the assets damage loss or to the neighboring community and environment. An Undesirable event which has the potential to cause loss.

22. How many types of hazards?

Ans: Biological Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Physical Hazards, Safety Hazards, Ergonomic Hazards, Psychosocial Hazards.

23. Under the OSH Act, employers are responsible for providing a ____?

Ans: Safe workplace

24. In the case of fatal accident, when should be a report filed for nearest OSHA office?

Ans: Within 8 hours

25.What is OSHA Form 301?

Ans: Individual incident report

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